ADQ 114 Enables High Resolution 3D Ultrasound


​​​​ADQ 114 Enables High Resolution 3D Ultrasound 160-3d-ultrasound

With roots in Europe's largest and well-renowned research organization Fraunhofer Institute, German ultrasound manufacturer kibero has choosen the ADQ 114 digitizer for their AMI product range. Operating at a sample rate of 800 MSPS and offering 14 bits of vertical resolution, the ADQ 114 enables the AMI products to provide a resolution of less than 50 micrometer and a penetration depth of several millimeters.

"The ADQ 114 shows unique performance in terms of sample rate and dynamic range," says Dr. Eike Weiss, CEO of kibero, and continues: "Through an appealing combination of OEM arrangements and the ADQ Design Service program , SP Devices have been of great help in achieving a cost-effective deployment of customized hardware with short time-to-market. We look forward to further collaboration."

Visit the ADQ 114 product page by clicking here, and to read more about the AMI product range, click here (external link, opens in a new window).