Newsletter - 2 GSPS - 14-bit resolution single-to-quad channel digitizer: New product ADQ14 by SP Devices


​​​​ 2GSPS - 14-bit resolution single-to-quad channel digitizer: New product ADQ14 by SP Devices

Announcing the highest performance data acquisition platform available, featuring Xilinx's Kintex 7 open FPGA.

The ADQ14's pace setting performance and configurability deliver competitive advantage to our customers

The ADQ14 family consists of a number of digitizers which all feature high-speed 14-bit ADCs, 2 GByte on-board memory, variable bias (DC-offset), and Xilinx Kintex 7 K325T FPGAs.

The products are ordered into three sub-groups - AC-coupled, DC-coupled, and DC-coupled with variable gain. Further, the family members offer 500, 1 000, and 2 000 MS/s sampling rate and 1, 2, or 4 input channels - all with 14 bits vertical resolution! This unique and unmatched combination of high sampling rate and vertical resolution is enabled by SP Devices' proprietary ADX interleaving technology.

A software development kit (SDK) is included free of charge with the digitizer, and the on-board Xilinx Kintex 7 K325T is partially available to the end user through the optional ADQ14 Development Kit. Besides the pre-installed standard firmware ("FWDAQ") we also offer a number of optional stand-alone firmwares optimized for different applications:

• Advanced Time-Domain Firmware ("FWATD") - stand-alone firmware option which includes functions such as filtering, thresholding, and waveform averaging.

• Pulse Detection Firmware ("FWPD") - stand-alone firmware option which includes functions such as adaptive baseline, dynamic record length, and multi-unit synchronization.

• Software Defined Radio (SDR) Firmware ("FWSDR") - stand-alone firmware option which includes functions such as digital down conversion (DDC), Decimation, and data streaming.A list of available ADQ14 products is shown in the table below. Please contact our sales department in case you have any questions.

Product Comparison Table