Newsletter - Efficient Firmware Development with High-Level Synthesis


​ High-level synthesis (HLS) allows developers to create FPGA firmware using commonly used high-level programming languages such as C or C++. Many designers are more familiar with these languages than hardware description languages (HDL) such as VHDL and Verilog, and the supported language constructs help increase productivity. HLS allows the developer to focus on high-level functionality rather than low-level details, and many algorithms can be implemented more intuitively and efficiently using a high-level programming language.

Teledyne SP Devices' firmware development kit is used together with Xilinx Vivado® Design Suite that features built-in HLS support. We have recently included an example for ADQ7 that demonstrates how to improve productivity by generating (synthesizing) and verifying register transfer level (RTL) implementations based on C++ source code. Please contact us if you would like to know more.

New White Paper on Paritial Discharge

Partial discharges are electrical discharges occurring in the insulation layer of electrical equipment (cables, switchgears, circuit breakers, etc). They are called partial, as they do not completely bridge the space between the two conducting terminals.

Partial discharge can occur in many parts of an electrical grid, where high voltage exists and is surrounded by some type of insulation (solid, liquid, air). Due to their localized and repetitive characteristics, they build over time and result in insulation breakdown in transformers, power cables, and cable accessories.

Learn more about how high-performance digitizers are used in partial discharge monitoring for maintenance and preventive replacement planning in power grids.